Carolina Félix

Clinical Psychologist and Psychoterapist

About me

Drª Carolina Felix


I am a Clinical Psychologist specialized in Clinical and Health Psychology by Board of Portuguese Psychologists. I have also studied Palliative Care and I am currently training to become a licensed Existencial Psychotherapist. Throughouy my professional experience I have worked therapeutically with people in a great variety of settings, from adictions, depression, anxiety, personality disorders, bereavement, terminal and cronic illnesses.


Masters Degree in Dynamic Clinical Psychology

-Faculdade de Psicologia , Universidade de Lisboa

Masters Degree in Palliative Care

-Instituto de Ciencias da Saude, Universidade Católica Portuguesa

Professional License nº 21021

-Ordem dos Psicologos Portugueses, Especialidade em Psicologia Clinica e da Saude

Trainee in Existencial Psychotherapy

-Sociedade Portuguesa de Psicoterapia Existencial


More than a safe space where you may feel genuinely undertood, the goal of psychotherapy is to create a welcoming bonding experience. Where I can help you to understand and overcome your concerns. Thoughout this process of acceptance you should feel healthier relationship patterns and a better quality of life, resulting in more satisfatory personal and emocional well-being.

How it works

On our fist session we will try to describe your problem, so that I may start to understand your inner world. With this comprehension of your request, we can stablish therapeutic goals and a plan to follow. This can all be adapted thoughout the process, according to your needs. During our sessions, it is important that our relationship feels safe and trustful, with clear goals and tasks.

Processo Psicoterapêutico

De acordo com os objetivos definidos também poderemos ou não definir a duração da terapia. Ao longo deste período, em cada sessão, vamos trabalhando temas que o estejam a incomodar ou outros que deseje trazer para a sessão. Este dialogo terapêutico desenvolve-se, permitindo-lhe compreender cada vez melhor o seu mundo interno, num trabalho constante de desenvolvimento interno.


Therapy Session

Consulta presencial

Online Therapy Session

Consulta online

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